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Bunny Lines treatments

“Bunny lines” refer to the fine lines that appear on either side of your nose when you wrinkle it. Like many types of facial wrinkles, bunny lines are caused by repeating certain facial expressions. These lines can be a natural part of growing older, and some people find them charming.


These lines can be a natural part of growing older, and some people find them charming. Others may feel that bunny lines age their face and are self-conscious about it. If you fall into the latter category, you may be considering getting Dermal Filler for your bunny lines.


Dermal Filler injections temporarily limit the movement of your facial muscles. Botox is the most popular minimally invasive cosmetic procedure in the United States, and the side effects are minimal. It can be an effective way to minimize the appearance of bunny lines.

Bunny Lines sussex

Treatment Time

1 hour

Recovery Time

24 Hours


 Dependent On Skin Type 

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