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Fit Body

Male fat dissolving injections

Fat dissolving injections dissolve and destroys fat cells. They are then removed from out of the body through sweat, urine and internal combustion. Fat dissolving injections are also effective for removing cellulite and enhancing skin elasticity.


  • Decrease body fat in all areas 

  • Elimination of swelling of the face and body

  • Anti-cellulite action

  • Skin lifting, moisturizing and elasticity

  • Visible result after one application

fat dissolving injections

Treatment Time

30 - 60 Minutes

Recovery Time



Visible result after one application

We are based in West Sussex, and are happy to answer whatever questions you may have in relation to fat dissolving injections. The Aesthetic Clinic uses only the very best, premium products, which are recognised for their quality, efficacy and safety.

Does fat dissolve injections work?

Fat dissolving injections can help you to achieve a slimmer, more contoured body shape, with long-lasting results. When combined with healthy dieting and exercise, the effects of this fat removal can last even longer.


Will I see the results immediately after each procedure?

As the body has to naturally drain away the dissolved fat deposits as part of its normal process. Due to this process you will not see the results immediately after each procedure. Fat dissolving injections are recommended every three to four weeks until your desired look has been achieved.



How often can you have fat dissolving injections??

The most common is two to three treatments, spaced four to six weeks apart. We recommend for the best results, you'll need between two and eight treatments, depending on the size of the area treated.


West Sussex fat dissolving injections

We are based in a luxurious environment in the West Sussex area, but we also offer aesthetic treatments and fat dissolving injections to clients from East Sussex and the whole of Sussex.

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