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fat dissolving injections

The PPC (Phosphatidyl Choline) solution works by melting subcutaneous fat in targeted problem areas. PPC Solution is an innovative and effective fat dissolving injection intended for loss of fat in targeted areas and the melting of subcutaneous fat.


It is also effective in speeding up metabolism, reducing cellulite and excess weight. It is a direct phosphatidylcholine-based lipolytic for the body, aimed at getting rid of fatty deposits.


Unlike existing methods such as mesotherapy which only reduces the size of fat cells, PPC dissolves, destroys fat cells and exhausts them out of the body through sweat, urine and internal combustion.


PPC is used in various areas including the double chin, back, abdomen and side fold and thighs. Moreover, unlike existing methods such as mesotherapy which only reduces the size of fat cells, it dissolves, destroys fat cells and exhausts them out of the body.

fat dissolving injections

Treatment Time

30 - 60 Minutes

Recovery Time



Visible result after one application

We are based in West Sussex, and are happy to answer whatever questions you may have in relation to fat dissolving injections. The Aesthetic Clinic uses only the very best, premium products, which are recognised for their quality, efficacy and safety.

Does fat dissolve injections work?

Fat dissolving injections can help you to achieve a slimmer, more contoured body shape, with long-lasting results. When combined with healthy dieting and exercise, the effects of this fat removal can last even longer.


Will I see the results immediately after each procedure?

As the body has to naturally drain away the dissolved fat deposits as part of its normal process. Due to this process you will not see the results immediately after each procedure. Fat dissolving injections are recommended every three to four weeks until your desired look has been achieved.



How often can you have fat dissolving injections?

The most common is two to three treatments, spaced four to six weeks apart. We recommend for the best results, you'll need between two and eight treatments, depending on the size of the area treated.


West Sussex fat dissolving injections

We are based in a luxurious environment in the West Sussex area, but we also offer aesthetic treatments and fat dissolving injections to clients from East Sussex and the whole of Sussex.

Lipolab is a fat dissolving injection product. Fat dissolving injections aim to destroy fat cells by damaging the fat cells plasma membrane, allowing the fatty acids inside the cell to be broken down and be naturally removed by the lymphatic system. In simple terms they liquify fat and allow the body to remove it naturally. The fat dissolving product is injected directly into the subcutaneous fat with either a needle or cannula. 


It is important to use fat dissolving injections in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular physical exercise. Fat dissolving injections are not a substitute for lifestyle measures however they are useful at helping to remove stubborn localised fatty deposits that have been difficult to lose with diet and exercise measures alone. 


Lipolab fat dissolving injections can be used in the following body areas, abdomen, flanks, upper arms, bra area, thighs, body cellulite, jowls and double chin. Other body areas can also be treated that have not been listed.


The number of treatments required depends on the area of treatment as well as the amount of fat to be dissolved in that area. Generally, 2-4 sessions are needed at 4-6-week intervals. Initial results can be expected to be seen from 3-4 weeks. I also understand that results vary between clients and there is no guarantee that I will achieve the results I desire. The removal of fat cells is permanent, and results will be permanent if you do not gain further weight in between or after treatment sessions. 


I understand that several appointments may be necessary to produce optimal results and I will be notified, in advance of each session of treatment, about the location where the next treatment session is going to take place and the identity of who is going to be involved in my care at each stage.  I also understand that I will be kept informed of progress and that I can change my mind at any point.



RISKS AND SIDE EFFECTS: I understand that there are risks and complications associated with Aqualyx fat dissolving injections and that I have read and understood the possible complications before proceeding with treatment. I have fully discussed anything required with my practitioner.


Common side effects include pain or burning sensation during the injections. Following injections itching, swelling and redness of the treated areas is likely soon after treatment. These effects should normally improve within 24 hours after the initial injections and should be greatly improved after 5 days. Bruising may occur after treatment which may take up to 2 weeks to resolve. The treated area may feel tender for up to 2-3 weeks after treatment. Sometimes people can faint or feel faint with injections, you must tell your practitioner as soon as possible if you feel unwell during the treatment.

Uncommonly you may experience transient nodules afterwards in the treatment area, these can feel lumpy but will resolve naturally in most cases within 1 month. 

Rare complications include skin infection after treatment (cellulitis), allergic reaction or anaphylaxis to the product, nerve injury resulting in tingling and numbness in the affected area, skin pigmentation changes which may be permanent, permanent nodules and skin necrosis. 


I have been advised of the relevant information associated with this treatment and I confirm that I fully understand this advice.  This includes advice about:


- the aims/motivations for having the procedure and the desired outcome

- the risks inherent in the procedure

- the risks inherent in refusing the procedure

- the risks specific to me

- the expected benefits of the treatment

- the potential disadvantages of the treatment

- alternative procedures and their pros and cons - including the option of no treatment at all

- any uncertainties about and the likelihood of success of the procedure

- any follow-up treatment that may be required

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