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non-surgical rhinoplasty

Surgical Rhinoplasty or more commonly known as a Nose Job is one of the most sought after surgical cosmetic procedures. However, many patients are worried by the possible complications, and the prospect of adverse results. 


Nose filler is safe and is a non-invasive substitute to the conventional rhinoplasty.


This is an ideal and inexpensive option for those who want to improve the shape of their nose and do not want surgery.

non-surgical rhinoplasty sussex

Treatment Time

1 hour

Recovery Time

24 Hours


 Dependent On Skin Type 

This is an ideal and inexpensive option for those who want to improve the shape of their nose and do not want surgery.


Filler can be added to the bridge of the nose to offer a smoother and straighter nose. 


The results are instant with no excessive downtime, no general anaesthetic and no prolonged healing process


Results are immediate and Nose Filler will typically last 6-12 months.


Experience life changing results with the Non-Surgical Nose Job


If you would like to know any further details about this treatment or any other treatment we offer, please do not hesitate to contact us for a free consultation.

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