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Vitamin b 12 injection

It is an essential nutrient that helps to keep our red blood cells healthy. This is a very effective heath treatment as it allows for 100% absorption directly into the tissues.


This supplement Vitamin B12 injection treatment boosts the production of these cells which can increases and revitalises the body, mind and heath.

Vitamin b 12 injection sussex

Treatment Time

15 - 20 Minutes 

Recovery Time



Dependent on deficiency levels

Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient that is required for proper red blood cell formation, neurological function, and DNA synthesis. Healthy red bloody cells are important for the normal function to transport oxygen to our organs. According to the National Institutes of Health, upwards of 15% of people are deficient in vitamin B12—and some studies indicate that number may be higher. People may be deficient in vitamin B12 due to poor diet or if their body does not absorb it well naturally.The amount of vitamin B12 your body needs depends on your age and is impacts the immune system


Benefits of Vitamin B12 injections can be:

Increase energy levels and combat fatigue

Speed up metabolism

Help improve sleep patterns

Increase concentration

Improve mood

Boost the immune system

Help with weight loss

Possibly help with hair growth or stop hair loss

What does a B12 injection do?

Vitamin B12 injections are essential for many roles in your body. Its main function is to help cells form and metabolize properly. It also plays a role in brain function, supporting neurons and cell formation. It is necessary for DNA synthesis and red blood cell formation.

Does B12 give you energy?

Vitamin B12 are important for energy, heath, wellness and wellbeing. Almost every cell in the body uses B12. Besides helping form red blood cells, B12 converts fat and protein to energy. A B12 deficiency can causes tiredness and anemia in most people.

Vitamin B12 is also known as Cobalamin, it is a water-soluble vitamin essential for both fatty acid and amino metabolism as well as DNA synthesis. It is vital for the normal functioning of the nervous system, myelin sheath production and red blood cell maturation and development. 


Vitamin B12 deficiency has a broad presentation including fatigue, anemia, multiple neurological and psychiatric signs and symptoms. 



An intramuscular injection of B12 is given into the Deltoid muscle in the side of the upper arm. The procedure is very quick, you may feel a short, sharp pain during the injection.



RISKS AND SIDE EFFECTS: You must be aware of the following side effects of intramuscular vitamin B12 injection before commencing treatment. You must fully discuss any questions with your practitioner and prescriber before proceeding. 


I understand the common side effects are pain during injection, redness, swelling and soreness around the injection site lasting up to a few days. You may also experience some bruising around the injection site also. Some people can faint or feel faint with needles and injections, it is important to tell your practitioner as soon as possible if you feel unwell during or after the injection.


Uncommon side effects include dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, hot flushes, skin reactions, chills, tremor, insomnia. 


Rare side effects include cardiac arrhythmias, thrombocytosis, hypokalemia (low blood potassium level).  There is also a rare risk of allergic reaction or anaphylactic reaction to the B12 injection. In the event of anaphylaxis or any serious side effects, you would require emergency medical attention. 


I have been advised of the relevant information associated with this treatment and I confirm that I fully understand this advice.  This includes advice about:


- the aims/motivations for having the procedure and the desired outcome

- the risks inherent in the procedure

- the risks inherent in refusing the procedure

- the risks specific to me

- the expected benefits of the treatment

- the potential disadvantages of the treatment

- alternative procedures and their pros and cons - including the option of no treatment at all

- any uncertainties about and the likelihood of success of the procedure

- any follow-up treatment that may be required

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